Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Face of an Angel

I remember one time I was out to lunch with a friend. She brought along her one year old son and continued to ask if it was OK that he tagged along. I reassured her it was great to see them both and we caught up on our latest news.

Towards the end of our meal, Baby E started to get a little antsy and made some disapproving grunts about being in the high chair. I didn't even bat an eye, yet my friend apologized over and over for her son's fussiness.

"Huh?"  was I was confused  "This is fussy?!" (I was impressed: my five year old still likes to dump out all the sugar packets and poke holes in the creamers.) In my book, baby E was a 10/10 on my "restaurant appropriate" behavior scale. He ate his food, played peek-a-boo, flirted with the waitress and was happy almost the entire time. With a sheepish grin, she said, "Yes". 

Above is the latest picture I took of Charlie. We just finished eating lunch with Grandpa Mike, Grandma Janet, and aunt Jessica at one of our favorite places, Wildfire in Eden Prairie, MN. During the meal, Charlie was the complete opposite of Baby E. He screamed, he cried, he threw stuff, and then made the meal really spectacular by throwing it all up. I'd give Charlie a 3/10 on my scale, and that's being very generous. It's a good thing he's cute! 

Here was my little angel the other night. Hit play and enjoy the show!

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