Sunday, December 29, 2013

Lucy -- Star of the Week!

Remember in my first post I said I didn't do baby books? That's not entirely true -- I kind of did about six pages of one for Leah, but that's it (it was one of those instant scrap books where you just have to place the pictures on the various pages). Lily has a photo album and well, the other two, they are lucky if I even print off a picture of them.

A few weeks back, Lucy was the Start of the Week at her preschool. It's an opportunity for each student to share more about themselves to their classmates. Plus, mom and dad are invited to come in, read a book, pass out a snack, and share the child's baby book. Say what? Um, no baby book for the Lu. Thankfully, I remember a little bit of PowerPoint from my working days and decided to make a digital baby book.

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I loved making it!