Friday, May 17, 2013

The Hockey Haircut

For as long as I can remember, I've known how to skate. Where I grew up, if you could walk, your dad would take you to the Community Center, lace you up in a tiny pair of skates and set you on the ice. Dad might let you have a metal folding chair to scoot forward, but that's it. If you fell, you got up. There was no hand holding or kissing boo boos. 

Once you figured out how to skate, the next logical step, especially if you were a boy, was to play hockey.

For 10 years, Minnesota did not have a hockey team. When the North Stars moved to Dallas in 1993, there was a huge sense of loss, as well as a lot people saying "Norm Sucks". Unlike most states, the little PeeWees didn't have professional hockey athletes to look up to. Instead, they found awe in their local high school hockey stars. My guess is that is why the Minnesota High School Hockey Tournament is such a big deal. And by big deal, I mean BIG DEAL! The opening stories on the 10 o'clock news are tourney highlights, and there are specials after the news dedicated solely to the tournament. If you're lucky, you might get to hear the newscaster say something awesome like, "I love it when the little guys beat the snot out of Eden Prairie!"

For as prevalent as the tourney is, I must admit, I was unaware of the Hockey Haircut phenomenon. Thankfully, this tournament is available for all to watch on YouTube. Adam and I think it's really, really funny! We were dying laughing!

You may be asking yourself, "Why is Amanda posting this?" Here's why:

My son's hair.

Clearly, Charlie has the classic makings of epic hockey hair.

Keep on rock'n it buddy boo! We love you! 

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