Sunday, May 12, 2013

Queen for a day!

Before I begin, I want to say Happy Mother's Day to all the fellow moms out there! 

I don't know about you, but my day started off a little rocky. I was in a bit of a foul mood; I didn't sleep well the night before, the power outage yesterday really irritated me, there was this flower issue (don't ask), and my kids were awake way before they should have been.

However, my day quickly turned around when I had all of my kidlets (well, almost all; Charlie was there in spirit over the baby monitor) in my bed as they were presenting me with my Mother's Day gift. They had no idea what "they" got me. Naturally, the girls were anxious little helpers when it came time to open the fancy silver Nordstrom box.

Here's what my kidlets got me:

SCORE!!! This picture is deceiving; this hot pink Michael Kors
number is so big it could easily tote Charlie around! Love it!!

My dear hubs knows how much I love the smell of 
lavender and got me this lovely gift set:

I have no idea how to pronounce this brand, 
but I know it's fancy!
Thank you Adam!!! Love you!

Oh, how rude of me; I went straight to the gifts 
and forgot about the cards. 

Here are a few of my favorites:

My sister, Jessica, sent me this awesome card.
Adam, can you "wizard up" a Screwitol potion?
It will sell like hotcakes . . . trust me! 

This one was from the hubs.
God bless him for always getting the nice, sappy cards!
The ones I get him are always so obnoxious. 

Here is the card the kidlets made for me. 
Love it!
Front. Rainbows are Lily's specialty. 

Inside: I believe the picture on the left is of
a two headed dog, courtesy of Leah.

Back: A family portrait, minus daddy.
 I'm in a rainbow dress (since I love the all
the colors), Lily is in camo, Leah and Lucy are in
their favorite colors, purple and pink, and Charlie 

is apparently a green bowling ball.

Of course, Mother's Day isn't all about darling cards and awesome gifts. It's also about the children spending time with . . . Mo-ma!! Thank you to my in-laws, Debbie and Eric, for taking the kidlets this afternoon.

As I was reading all the Facebook Mother's Day posts today, one struck a cord with me. A sorority sister of mine wrote this on her page in honor of her mother:

Happy Mother's Day! And especially to my mama...who taught me to hug the people you love, laugh like you mean it, and cherish the very best moments of every day.

Well said Katie. Happy Mother's Day to all!

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