Thursday, June 13, 2013

Childhood Masterpieces

Recently I've noticed an abundance of well-meaning child art on various websites ( first comes to mind) in which adults interpret the message a bit differently than the child intended, or the kid completely throws their parents under the bus. 

It's no different here at the Pricehold. All of my children love to color (on walls, furniture, and other non-paper 'canvases'). But when they do manage to get the marker to the paper, some really creative illustrations appear.

Here are a few of my favorites from the big girls. (In time, Lucy and Charlie will create masterpieces of their own, on paper and not on my walls.)

If I had a $100, I would buy a stuffed peacock (naturally).

This is a portrait of me. Leah made it clear that in this drawing, I'm wearing my falsies. (False eye lashes, that is.)

I love my family, but I want to bludgeon this snowman.

Lily is correct: we do go to the movies a lot. However, we do not drive the Wienermobile there. 

For the record, we are not Amish. Or pilgrims. 
Or wear Ove-Gloves in the winter. 

I love how thin I look and what fabulous legs
Lily thinks I have!

And, my favorite. Lily created this the first week of kindergarten. My first thought was "Why in the world are they learning about Amy Winehouse?" Lily later told me the girl was me when I make my hair real big. 

1 comment:

  1. Okay...I laughed so hard at these that Nate came over to see what was so hilarious. We both got a kick out of them! Lol!
